Hello there !


Here you’ll find all kind of information, mainly IT security and development related but not only. I sometime like to share random thoughts, reflections, tools, songs, writings, travels, …


Hello there ! My name is Louka Jacques-Chevallier, also known as Laluka. I love learning, teaching and sharing tips. I lived here for quite a while, and this is the place I like the most on earth, so while you’re here, enjoy the view ! =]


Here’s a short summary of my life :

  • 05 to 10 - Watching my father play videogames
  • 10 to 15 - Playing with my father : SeriousSam, Portal, Borderlands, …
  • 15 to 17 - Playing with friends : Lol, Osu, S4, …
  • 17 to 18 - Hey, coding seems fun ?! Android, Java, html, css, javascript, php, sql, …
  • 18 to 22 - Struggling at school, learning all I can aside : python, ruby, C, C++, …
  • 22 to 23 - Hey, hacking seems fun ?! Pentest, box pwning, binary exploitation, reverse, web, prog, crypto, steganography and such. Also, this year, I left Windows for Linux in a definitive way.
  • 24 to 26 - Ok, breaking stuff really is much fun, chaining cool works and 0day research projects!

Also, if you ever wonder “WTF is this nickname”, here’s the answer :
In french, when we deal with plural form, words often change this way, “Un cheval” goes “des chevaux”, “one horse” goes “horses”. But the thing is that many words do not follow this rule (french ❤ exceptions). So our crew took this silly habit of changing every [o] to [al], and…
Here I am ! Louka -> Laluka !


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